
US EPA New Region 9 Headquarters, San Francisco, CA 215,000 usf

Comprehensive services for a widely acclaimed LEED Platinum replacement Headquarters lease, that achieved a 16% footprint reduction.

With its renovated Regional Headquarters in San Francisco, EPA implemented new space standards designed to increase flexibility and promote collaboration by using smaller workstations and incorporating technologies that support mobility MAP prepared the Program of Requirements, supported EPA with the evaluation of offers, developed space plans, interiors, design intent documents, housing and phasing plans, furniture design, and also supported procurement documentation and site monitoring.

An important aspect of implementation was communication of the new work environments, and the associated culture change. MAP helped EPA in preparing presentations and communication tools, and engaged extensively with employees, unions, and management. Pilot programs were implemented, and the user responses were very positive. The Agency was able to reduce its footprint by 16% and the renovation earned EPA a LEED Platinum designation