
Requirements & Workplace Strategy Services for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington DC

Strategic plan enabling consolidation and a 17% footprint reduction.

FERC occupied the entirety of one building (436,000 sf) and one floor (23,000 sf) in a proximate facility. The project goal was to release space in the secondary facility and achieve reduction in the main building. MAP was tasked to develop a strategic plan for this effort. The existing space use document, employee data was collected and analyzed, work patterns and space needs of each organizational unit were studied, and Office Directors were interviewed to identify their programmatic needs and future requirements. Schematic planning options were prepared, each offering flexible office and workstation clusters, improved penetration of natural light, and increased meeting and conference spaces. Upon approval of concepts, a detailed housing plan and migration plan were developed. Subsequent steps included developing funding forecast and timeline for implementation. FERC was able to reduce its footprint by 17% and still meet all of its requirements.