EPA’s Reproductive Toxicology Facility Consolidation, Research Triangle Park, NC
A strategic planning effort to consolidate multiple office and laboratory facilities to reduce footprint, improve collaboration, and implement new workplace standards.

The consolidation of EPA’s Research Triangle Park (RTP) facilities included the Reproductive Toxicology Facility (RTF) (84,000 square feet). MAP assisted EPA in planning the integration of this facility into the main laboratory on EPA’s RTP campus. The facility was surveyed to document existing space, its occupants, and its functions throughout the 1 million square foot building. Existing capacity and space utilization were analyzed to identify opportunities for enabling consolidations of current occupants. A detailed phasing plan was developed to accommodate the construction and migration of laboratories and accompanying office space to reduce disruption of the work performed there. EPA’s new strategic approach to workplace standards was also integrated into the plan, fostering greater collaboration in a more mobile environment.