MAP has a diverse staff that are united by their commitment to constant learning and exceling in what they do. Most of its senior staff have been with the firm for over 15 years. They have advanced degrees and a wealth of knowledge and experience in their respective fields.

Devpal S. Duggal, B.Arch, PG Urban Design (UD), Masters in Urban Planning (MUP), APA
Founder and President Emeritus

Debargha Sengupta, AICP, LEED AP

Sanjay Arora, AIA, LEED AP, RA
Senior Architect/Senior Project Manager

Susan Drew, AIA, LEED AP
Senior Architect/Senior Project Manager

Michael C. Stevens, RA
Senior Architect/Senior Project Manager

Giang Nguyen
Senior Architect/Senior Project Manager

Joseph D’Millio
Senior Architect

Mandy Chan
Senior Interior Designer

Cuong Trinh
CAD/Technical Support Specialist

Akshay Tewari
IT Project Manager

Sheri Holthouse
Graphic Designer